SJS Class of '74 Alumni - About Us

Board Members

SJS ‘74 Alumni Association’s inception in the summer of 2021, fueled by friends reminiscing about their school days, led to the creation of the Sandra Carter Award. This award was established with the noble intention of ensuring that students are granted equal opportunities for lifelong learning. It is a commendable initiative that demonstrates a commitment to both education and the community.

The Sandra Carter Award focuses on supporting two students from Form II - IV who show enthusiasm to achieve and may face obstacles in their educational journey. Additionally, the requirement for recipients to “pay it forward” encourages a culture of giving back, which ensures the positive ripple effect on the Trinidadian community.

Winston Roberts,
Eric Tesheira,
Vice President
Rosalie Clark-Franklyn, Secretary Margo Farrell-Roberts, Treasurer
Wayne Sealy,
Membership Coordinator
Ingrid Finley-Maynard, Membership Coordinator

N.B.: You can email the alumni with your milestone details you would like us to share to